Lecture Series on Theory FIB UGM
Tanggal 10 Mei 2017
Jam 12.30 – 14.30
Ruang Sidang 1. FIB UGM.
Dewi Candraningrum
Kidung Kartini Kendeng:
Politik Rahim Gunretno Melawan Industri Semen Dunia
Carolyn Merchant’s legacy in her book Radical Ecology (2005) has evolved the perspective that Earth is not ‘thing’ to be exploitated. She raised an awareness that radical ecology emerged from a sense of crisis in the industrialized world. In this book, Merchant addressed Rainforest in Indonesia that fed the development of North America, such as trees explotation for toilet papers. At present Indonesia is still facing another significant problem with the enclosure of Cement Minings and Factories in eastern Europe and China, big componies merging with local shares is trying to open Cement Minings and Factories in North Kendeng Mountain Range. Merchant proposed in The Death of the Nature (1980) that this reality confronts the illusion that people are free to exploit nature and to move in society with the expense of the other people. In the last two years, intensive and massive theater of protests by Simbar Wareh and JMPPK (Jaringan Masyarakat Peduli Pegunungan Kendeng/Network of Society Care for North Kendeng Mountains) that are affected by cement mining protested against the ecological exploitation. One prominent male leader, Gunretno (Indigenous Community, Sedulur Sikep Samin) has been working painstakingly campaigning to care for Kendeng ecology from one village to other village which then gave birth to women’s leaders such as Gunarti, Paini, Sukinah, Sutini, Karsupi, Ambarwati, Surani, Deni, Murtini, Ngadinah, Giyem. This is apparently Kartini’s legacy. Despite the bitter condition of establishment of Cement Factory in Rembang, Sukinah led women protested by setting-up tents to demonstrate rejection against PT Semen Indonesia. Mining companies fail to acknowledge that when they destroy the land, karst, water, and biodiversity of Kendeng Mt, women and children bear the greatest brunt. The rights of people affected by mining have not been fully protected by the state. These types of actions and protests are important to restore the dignity of Kendeng Mountains and community, as well as women living in mining affected communities and for them to claim their rights and hold duty as guardian of North Kendeng.
Keywords: Carolyn Merchant, Radical Ecology, Gunretno, Paini, Kartini, Simbar Wareh, JMPPK, Kendeng, cement, ecology, leadership.
Dalam dua tahun terakhir, teater protes dan aksi intensif serta masif dilakukan oleh Simbar Wareh dan JMPPK (Jaringan Masyarakat Peduli Pegunungan Kendeng) yang mengalami gangguan oleh pendirian pabrik dan tambang semen yang dikhawatirkan akan merusak dan mengeksploitasi ekologi. Seorang pemimpin laki-laki penting dari masyarakat adat Sedulur Sikep Samin, Gunretno bekerja amat keras mengunjungi desa-desa untuk mengkampanyekan perhatian, perlindungan, dan perawatan ekologi pegunungan Kendeng. Ia kemudian mengkader banyak pemimpin perempuan penting seperti: Gunarti, Paini, Sukinah, Sutini, Karsupi, Ambarwati, Surani, Deni, Murtini, Ngadinah, Giyem. Ini adalah bukti dari warisan Kartini. Di samping kondisi yang buruk di Rembang karena pendirian tapak pabrik semen, Sukinah berkeras tetap mendirikan tenda sampai dengan sekarang sebagai bentuk protes pada PT Semen Indonesia. Perusahaan pertambangan telah gagal mengakui bahwa apabila tanah, karst, air, dan biodiversitas Kendeng dirusak, maka perempuan dan anak-anaklah yang paling menderita. Hak-hak penduduk tidak dilindungi oleh Negara kemudian. Aksi dan protes ini penting untuk menyelamatkan kembali Pegunungan Kendeng dan penduduk di sekitarnya, demikian juga perempuan yang terkena dampak pertambangan agar supaya mereka dapat mengklaim kembali tanahnya dan kembali menjadi penjaga Pegunungan Kendeng Utara.
Kata kunci: Gunretno, Paini, Kartini, Simbar Wareh, JMPPK, Kendeng, semen, ekologi, kepemimpinan.