Lecture Series on Theory FIB UGM

Senin, 30 Mei 2016 ; pukul 13.00 – 15.00
Ruang Sidang 1 Dekanat FIB UGM

Pembicara: Lyn Parker
University of Western Australia

Topik: “Understanding Social, Economic and Health Vulnerabilities in Indonesia”

This talk will outline a large, proposed inter-disciplinary research project which aims to understand social, economic and health vulnerabilities in Indonesia. Although Indonesia is developing rapidly, around half the population is still clustered around the poverty line, contributing to their vulnerability. Using a common framework of the “life course” in eight field sites across Indonesia, the team will conduct deep ethnographic research as well as quantitative research to explore the risks that people face in their everyday life and how they can be mitigated to avoid bad outcomes. The project will a.) identify key vulnerable groups and the factors and conditions contributing to their vulnerability; b.) investigate the effectiveness of social networks in lessening risk, focusing on people’s agency, resourcefulness and adaptability; c.) assess the effectiveness of state and community welfare programs in reducing vulnerability; and d.) pinpoint strategies for reducing vulnerabilities in the future. The findings will show how vulnerable citizens in Indonesia can be made more secure, helping to build a more stable and prosperous country.

Bio-note: Lyn Parker is an anthropologist and Professor in Asian Studies, in the School of Social Science, University of Western Australia. She has published several books and many articles on Indonesia, including Adolescents in Contemporary Indonesia, with Pam Nilan (Routledge, 2013) and From Subjects to Citizens: Balinese Villagers in the Indonesian Nation-State. NIAS, 2003).