The Munir Museum in Indonesia: A New Approach In Museums?

Public Lecture

Dr. Vannessa Hearman
Dr Vannessa Hearman is lecturer in Indonesian Studies at the University of Sydney, Australia. She has a PhD in history from the University of Melbourne. Her research interests are in the areas of memory, activism and human rights. She has published research articles in journals including Indonesia, South East Asia Research and Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs.
Selasa, 30 Sept 2014 Pukul 09.00 – 11.00 WIB
Ruang Multimedia, Gd. Margono Lt. 2 Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM

Omah Munir (Munir’s House) was established in 2013 to commemorate the life of murdered Indonesian human rights activist Munir (1965-2004). In creating this museum, its founders have expressed their desire for it to be Southeast Asia’s first human rights museum. The paper analyses the museum’s themes and displays, and situates it within the worldwide trend of human rights museology, in line with the growing interest in human rights at the end of the Cold War. By creating a shared memory about Munir and his human rights work the museum’s founders intended to create a shared history about human rights activism during President Suharto’s regime (1966-98). This paper will analyse the opportunities created by this model of human rights museology, as well as its constraints and limitations in the Indonesian context.