Rabu 19 Juli 2017 pukul 11.00-13.00
Ruang Multi Media Gedung Margono Lt 2
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM
‘Gadis-gadis kita’: Taman Siswa as an example of gendered education in the Netherlands Indies, 1922-1942
Kirsten Kamphuis ǀ PhD Candidate
European University Institute ǀ Firenze (FI) ǀ Italy
In my PhD project, I analyse education for Indonesian girls’ education in four regions of the Netherlands Indies between 1880 and 1940. So far, historians have mainly interpreted colonial education in terms of the ‘ethical policy’. This has resulted in a government-focused historiography, which leaves little space for children’s experiences. My research, on the other hand, focuses on educational practices. Inspired by the recent ‘turn to childhood’ in colonial studies, my main methodological tools are the categories of gender and age.
My focus is mainly on non-governmental initiatives, such as Islamic and Christian schools. This helps me to argue against the idea of education as purely a matter of governance. By comparing schools of varying signatures, I investigate how developments in girls’ education reflected broader developments in colonial society, such as the changing position of Indonesian women on the labour market and the birth of an anticolonial movement.
In this presentation I will use the example of Taman Siswa schools to illustrate my research project. I will go into different aspects of Taman Siswa education surrounding the position of girls within its schools. This will make clear what historians of education and colonialism can gain from a method based on gender and age.
[gview file=”https://fib.ugm.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2017/06/Teks-Berita-Presentasi-PkM-Skema-Fakultas-2017.docx”]
Unit Penelitian dan Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya mengadakan Seminar Kemajuan Hasil Penelitian pada tanggal 13 Juli 2017 dengan tajuk “Resistensi dan Perbedaan dalam Fenomena Budaya“. Seminar ini bertujuan untuk memberikan laporan progress penelitian yang didanai oleh Fakultas Ilmu Budaya melalui skema Hibah Penelitian yang diberikan setiap tahun. Dua topik penelitian yang akan dipaparkan yaitu “Kebijakan Penghapusan Cantrang dan Resistensi Nelayan Pantai Utara Jawa” dan “Fenomena Hoax dan Institusi Memori Viral Anti Perbedaan Pasca 2014“.
Seminar Kemajuan Hasil Penelitian Hibah Fakultas Ilmu BudayaUnit Penelitian dan Publikasi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya mengadakan kegiatan Workshop Penulisan Proposal Disertasi bagi staff pengajar Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM yang akan melanjutkan studi ke jenjang S3. Workshop ini akan diadakan pada tanggal 8 dan 9 Agustus 2017. Selain pemaparan tentang komponen-komponen pokok dalam sebuah proposal disertasi, workshop ini juga meliputi kegiatan tutorial penulisan proposal oleh para ahli. Bagi staff pengajar Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM yang berminat mengikuti kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat mengumpulkan draf proposal disertasi ke email Unit Penelitian dan Publikasi FIB UGM: unitpenelitian_fib@ugm.ac.id sebelum tanggal 31 Juli 2017.
Poster Workshop Proposal Disertasi