To develop and improve the systems of education, research, and documentation of regional Indonesian literatures, languages, and cultures, particularly Javanese.
To realize the vision of the Regional Indonesian Literatures Department of the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, as a center of studies in regional Indonesian literatures, languages, and culture, with a particular focus on oral and written tradition, and to make manifest the university trifecta, the department has the following missions:
1. Education and Teaching
a. Bring the curriculum in accordance with the vision and missions of the Regional Indonesian Literatures Department
b. Increase the quality of teaching staff through continued education (master’s and doctoral level).
c. Increase the quality of the learning process through the use of a variety of facilities and teaching equipment.
2. Research
a. Increase the quality and quantity of research into regional Indonesian literatures, languages, and cultures, both diachronic and synchronic.
b. Involve students in research, both that conducted by the department and that conducted in collaboration with other institutions.
3. Community Service
a. Increase the level of collaboration with other institutions involving research into regional Indonesian literatures, languages, and cultures.
b. Increase the quality and quantity of community service involving regional Indonesian literatures, languages, and cultures.
Standards of Competence
1. Knowledge and Understanding
a. Understand the approaches and scopes of cultural research as a whole through by understanding the basics of regional Indonesian literatures, languages, and philology.
b. Understand the norms and basic framework of research into regional Indonesian literatures, languages, and philology.
2. Intellectual abilities
a. Able to identify and apply concepts and theories to address problems of regional Indonesian literatures, languages, and manuscripts, in accordance with the dynamics of society;
b. Able to interpret texts from a variety of periods and social traditions.
c. Able to develop cultural reflections on phenomena in social life.
3. Practical Skills
a. Able to convey ideas in an oral or written manner through works of literature, academia, or other kinds of creative works;
b. Able to conduct independent research on literary phenomena as a regional Indonesian cultural phenomenon.
4. Managerial Abilities
a. Able to motivate and facilitate the decision-making process based in, or heeding the interests of, stakeholders;
b. Able to work in teams/groups covering a wide variety of academic disciplines;
c. Able to communicate research results to others.
Study Prospects
Graduates of the Regional Indonesian Literatures Department work as lecturers at a variety of universities, including Andalas University (UNAND) Padang, Sriwijaya University (UNSRI) Palembang, Hasanudin University (UNHAS) Makasar, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), State University of Yogyakarta (UNY), Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI) Yogyakarta, Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta, Indonesian Higher School of Arts (STSI) Surakarta, and Surabaya State University (UNESA). Others work as researchers at a variety of institutions, including the Language Center (Jakarta), Language Bureaus of Yogyakarta, Semarang, Surabaya and Manado, as well as the Center for Historical and Traditional Value Research, National Archives, Regional Museum of West Java, Regional Museum of East Java, Prehistory Office, Radio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI), Television of the Republic of Indonesia (TVRI) and a variety of other TV stations, such as TV Jogja. Others are Javanese-language teachers at schools, village chiefs, members of parliament, or entrepreneurs.
Further information on the Regional Indonesian Literatures Department is available at
Contact Information:
Regional Indonesian Literatures Department
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada
Jl. Sosiohumaniora, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta.
Tel: 0274-901134 Ext. 110
Fax: 0274-550451