The Undergraduate of History Programme pays attention to scientific developments in general and historical science in particular – both at the national and international levels. The programme and its learning curriculum also respond to the changes and developments in society itself that continue to take place in a historical approach. Therefore, the science of history is very important to be developed to an advanced level in order to know and understand scientifically the dynamics and changes in society that occur in the dimension of time.
Knowledge and understanding of events will only be meaningful if the underlying science develops in accordance with the changes that occur and is supported by scientific methods based on truth and honesty accompanied by evidence obtained through appropriate methodological work processes.
The Undergraduate Programme of History aims to improve scientific abilities and expertise in the fields of research, writing, and teaching history so that graduates:
- Mastered the substance of advanced history;
- Acquiring advanced historical theories and methodologies and being able to apply them in historical reconstruction;
- Understanding auxiliary sciences that are relevant to the development of history today and being able to use them in historical analysis and synthesis;
- Have the skills and be able to use archives in their original language in the context of critical historical methods.
To become a History Study Programme at the undergraduate level that has excellence in the study of Indonesian social history that is innovative, international, insightful, and based on Pancasila.
The History Study Programme of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences UGM is developed by taking into account the needs of stakeholders, market demands, and the development of History Science (scientific vision) at the national and international levels. Curriculum reassessment and improvement are carried out regularly at least once a year, while curriculum review is carried out every five years. It aims to further sharpen competencies, follow the latest developments in historical science nationally and globally, and increase the competitiveness of graduates.
1. Department Manager
- Dr. Abdul Wahid (Head of the History Department)
- Dr. Mutiah Amini (Head of the Undergraduate Programme)
- Dr. Farabi Fakih (Head of the Master’s Study Programme)
2. Teachers
- Dr. Agus Suwignyo
- Dr. Arif Akhyat
- Baha’uddin, M.Hum.
- Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto
- Julianto Ibrahim, M.Hum
- Machmoed Effendhie, M.Hum.
- Nur Aini Setiawati, PhD
- Ravando, M.A.
- Dr. Sri Margana
- Uji Nugroho Winardi, M.A.
- Widaratih Kamiso, M.A.
- Wildan Sena Utama, M.A.
- Widya Fitria Ningsih, M.A.
- Dr. Yulianti
- Satrio Dwicahyo, M.Sc., M.A.
- Dr. Ahmad Athoillah
For further information regarding the Department of History can be seen at