To become and excel as an institute of French and Francophone cultural education and research which is nationally and internationally minded, concerned for its community, and produces quality, cultured, creative, innovative graduates with a sense of leadership.

1. To conduct higher education in the field of French studies which is of high quality, competitive, creative, innovative, and builds leadership skills.
2. To increase the quantity and quality of research in French studies to support education, scientific development, and technology.
3. To increase the amount of service to the community, nation, and State.
4. To build and develop inter-institutional cooperative programs with both domestic and international institutions

1. Have knowledge of French and Francophone language, literature, and culture.
2. Understand the science of French and Francophone language, literature, and culture.
3. Have the following French-language skills: speaking, writing, and reading.
4. Have the ability to translate from French to Indonesian and from Indonesian to French.
5. Have the ability to apply knowledge of French and Francophone language, literature, and culture in real life, as well as skill in utilizing information, technology, and communications.
6. Have a command of the basics of linguistics, literature, culture, and the methodology of a certain field of expertise necessary for the discovery, understanding, explanation, and formulation of resolutions to existing problems.
7. Have a command of the basics of French and Francophone language, literature, and culture, and thus able to think, behave, and act as a scientist.
8. Have the ability to create and innovate in the process of developing French language, literature, and culture.
9. Have leadership skills.

1. The ability to formulate, analyze, decide, and resolve problems related to French and Francophone language, literature, and culture.
2. The ability to communicate in oral and written French.
3. The ability to study independently in the field of French studies.
4. The ability to work in groups in the field of French studies.
5. The ability to think sharply and systematically.
6. The ability to utilize information technology in the field of French studies.
7. An understanding and valuing of differences of culture, religion, and faith.
8. Entrepreneurship skills.

Study Prospects
Graduates of the French Literature Department work as civil servants, lecturers at state and private universities, translators, bank employees, bank managers, financial services employees, journalists, presenters and television reporters, national and international private corporation employees, hoteliers, NGO staff, museum guides, Indonesian for foreign speakers teachers, radio managers, event organizers, tourism professionals, management trainees, guest relation officers, IT staff, researchers in the social sciences, and as entrepreneurs.

FISHBONE Sarjana Sastra Prancis (ENG)

Contact Information:
French Literature Department
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, UGM
Jl. Sosiohumaniora 1 Bulaksumur Yogyakarta
Tel: 0274-513098 (108)
Fax: 0274 550451