
To become a linguistic study program of superior quality, having widely national horizon, active, responsive to language program and the development of linguistics, and be able to become a leading linguistic study program in the Asia PAcific region in 2025.


  1. To hold and organize a linguistics postgraduate education programs in the international level.
  2. To educate linguistics graduates with master degrees who are able to apply the linguistic knowledge they have acquired to solve various social problems and are able to communicate and cooperate with foreign scholars in an effort to establish mutually beneficial intercultural cooperation.
  3. To conduct research in ways to solve linguistic problems, both on a national and international scale, and have insight into various policies of language planning and development.
  4.  To organizing language-based community service.

The ELOs of Master in Linguistics Study Program are presented as follows:
1. Students are able to produce descriptions of the structural aspects of language.
2. Students are able to analyze language in relation to communication functions and sociocultural practices.
3. Students are able to employ methods and etic research in one of the following fields of research: descriptive linguistics, social linguistics, or translation.
4. Students are able to critically analyze language from one point of view of descriptive linguistics, social linguistics, and translation to produce publications in both Indonesian and English.
5. Students are able to analyze the areal characteristics of a language.
6. Students are able to analyze language by employing supporting knowledge in accordance with their interests and expertise, advances of information technology, and cooperation networks.

The Master Program in Linguistics aims to produce graduates with a deep understanding of human interaction.
With that educational philosophy, the Master Program in Linguistics, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada educates graduates to apply their knowledge in real communication environment coupled with analytical and critical thinking, as well as problem solving skills. They will become qualified professionals and fulfill the needs of a better human interaction in domestic, regional, and global arenas. They are expected to learn through active and experiential learning via simulated and real-life cases to strengthen their appreciation, understanding, and use of language.

Prospective Students
Prospective students of the Master Study Program of Linguistics are undergraduate graduates from the Faculty of Letters, Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Departments of Language or Literature, Faculty of Language and Art Education, Institute of Teacher Training and Education, Faculty of Religious Education, Institute of Religious Sciences, or other Universities which have fields of language and literature studies.

Admission of prosepctive students is carried out through selection by a board of examiners who chaired by the person in charge and involving the head of study program and several lecturers. The admission selection is based on the Undergraduate Grade Point Average (IPK), the results of the TOEFL/AcEPT and TPA/PAPS tests as well as linguistic papers submitted to the board of examiners as attached to application files of the prospective students.

Potential Students can register online at

1. Prof. Dr. I Dewa Putu Wijana, S.U., M.A.
2. Dr. Suhandono, M.A.
3. Dr. Tatang Hariri, M.A.
4. Prof. Dr. Hendrokumoro, M.Hum.
5. Dr. Sajarwa, M.Hum.
6. Dr. Sailal Arimi, M.Hum.
7. Dr. Hayatul CHolsy, M.Hum.
8. Dr. Daru Winarti, M.Hum.
9. Dr. Sulistyowati, M.Hum.
10. Dr. Adi Sutrisno, M.A.
11. Dr. Aris Munandar, M.Hum.
12. Dr. Aprillia Firmonasari, M.Hum., DEA.
13. Dr. Wira Kurniawati, M.Hum.
14. Dr. Merry Andriani, M.L.C.S.
15. Dr. Ni Gusti Ayu Roselani, M.A.
16. Dr. Suray Agung Nugroho, M.A.
17. Dr. Wiwik Retno Handayani, M.Hum.

Contact Information:
Management of the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Sosiohumaniora, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281
Tel: (0274) 513096
Fax: (0274) 550451


FISHBONE Magister Linguistik (ENG)