General Information
This program is focused on studies into American culture in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Emphasis is given to research into popular culture, folk culture, literature, society, American women, ethnography, material culture, film, art, and socio-cultural changes. Students can combine their studies in the American Studies program with another program to meet their own career needs and interests.
To become an institution of education and cultural research which is of international quality and preeminent in research in the fields of American social life, literature, and culture, with a concern for humanitarian needs, orientation to the needs of the nation, and basis in the Pancasila.
The missions of the postgraduate program of American Studies at the Faculty of Cultural Studies, UGM, are:
1. To provide quality education, research, and community service in the fields of American society, literature, and culture.
2. To develop the study program into an institution meeting international standards and having exemplary institutional capacity, including infrastructure, human resources, management, and corporate culture.
3. To improve the quality of education and research in the fields of American society, literature, and culture without losing an Indonesian identity.
4. To provide community service with a cross-cultural perspective to address social and humanitarian issues.
5. To produce graduates who understand aspects of American society, culture, and literature, as well as their influence in Indonesia, without losing their identities as Indonesians.
6. To integrate social and humanities studies in all aspects of American culture
The curriculum of the Postgraduate Program in American Studies is designed to provide students with a broad and deep understanding of American Studies. The Postgraduate Program in American Studies follows a structured and non-structured curriculum. Courses are divided into two concentrations, as follows:
1. American Culture and Literature, intended to observe, identify, and apply academic approaches and thoughts and find solutions for and explain the importance of aspects of American culture, particularly those reflected in works of American literature. This concentration is also intended to provide students with expertise in analyzing works of literature to better understand aspects of society and culture.
2. American Culture and Society, intended to observe, identify, and apply academic approaches and thoughts and find solutions for and explain the importance of aspects of American culture, particularly those reflected in phenomena occurring in American society. This concentration is also intended to provide students with expertise in analyzing various aspects of society, including economics, religion, law, and politics.
Students may select one of these two concentrations
I. Compulsory Courses (Both Concentrations)
Theory of American Studies 3 credits
Socio-Cultural Research Methods 3 credits
History of America and American Thought 3 credits
American Cultural and Social Research 3 credits
Methodology of American Studies 3 credits
Thesis 8 credits
II. Compulsory Courses (Literature Concentration)
Literary Research Methods 3 credits
Comparative Literature 3 credits
Early and Romantic American Literature 3 credits
Modern American Literature 3 credits
Popular American Literature 3 credits
Theory of Literature 3 credits
III. Compulsory Courses (Society Concentration)
American Economic System 3 credits
Theory of Social Studies 3 credits
American Popular Culture 3 credits
American Capitalism 3 credits
American Foreign Policy and American Political System 3 credits
American Women 3 credits
IV. Elective Courses (Both Concentrations)
American Mythology 3 credits
African American Society, Culture and Literature 3 credits
American Cultural Eras 3 credits
American Folk Culture 3 credits
American Imperialism 3 credits
American Social Policy System 3 credits
History of American Literary Criticism 3 credits
Indian Literature 3 credits
Western Civilization 3 credits
American Law System 3 credits
Religion in America 3 credits
Prof. Sjafri Sairin, M.A. Ph.D.
Prof. Djuhertati Imam Muhni, MA, Ph.D.
Prof. Dr. Siti Chamamah Soeratno
Prof. Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, PhD.
Dr. Ida Rochani Adi, SU
Dr. Juliasih K, SU
Ratno Lukito, M.A., Ph.D
Drs. Dafri Agus Salim, M.A.
Dra. Endang Sih Prapti, M.A
Dewi Haryani, Ph.D
Drs. Eddy Pursubaryanto, M.Hum
Muh. Arif Rokhman, Ph.D.
Dr. Nur Saktiningrum, M.Hum.
Achmad Munjid, Ph.D.
Contact Information:
Postgraduate Program in American Studies
Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jl. Sosiohumaniora, Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281
Tel: (0274) 901136, 513096 Ext 114
Fax: (0274) 550451