Dalam memperingati ulang tahunnya yang ke-72, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada akan menjadi tuan rumah simposium internasional pada bulan Agustus 2018 mendatang. Simposium yang bertajuk “Literasi Budaya dan Budaya Literasi di Indonesia” ini menelusuri tradisi membaca dan menulis di Indonesia dalam bentuk tradisional, kolonial, poskolonial dan digital serta perkembangan historisnya. Simposium ini juga memetakan karya-karya yang ditulis baik oleh penulis Indonesia maupun asing yang telah mempengaruhi diskursus subyek atau tema tertentu dan menghasilkan diskursus historiografi tertentu yang mempengaruhi budaya literasi Indonesia secara menyeluruh. Secara khusus Simposium ini hendak memetakan kontribusi fakultas-fakultas
humaniora dalam sejarah Indonesia bagaimana kemunculan sistem universitas dan ilmu-ilmu humaniora mempengaruhi literasi budaya Indonesia dan budaya literasi masyarakat Indonesia? Fakultas Ilmu Budaya yang pada awalnya disebut Fakultas Humaniora adalah fakultas pertama yang didirikan di universitas Gadjah Mada pada masa Revolusi 1946 ketika Yogyakarta menjadi ibukota Republik
With the rapid development on technology, globalization spreads easily to the world. The two side of globalization are experienced by most of countries in the world. In one side, it provides easiness and openness, but on the other hands, it also brings negative impact, especially toward the local identity of a certain country. Many people are worried on the impact of globalization toward their local identity. As globalization brings in influences from other countries, the local identity starts to be a concern. Many people cheer the rise of globalization, but on the same time, many others are worried on the existence of their local identity since rapid access to information which results in homogenization, polarization and hybridization may threaten the uniqueness of certain local identity. The identity of individuals, the identity of a culture, and the identity of a nation are influenced how the power mechanism is running due to political, economic, and economic conditions social will result in a superior individual identity compared to other individual identities (Rutherford, 1990: 9-27).
History recognizes that since the end of World War II America’s role is very significant in the economic arena and world politics, followed also by ‘cultural exports,’ represented by multinational corporations that are partly based in America that by some American intellectuals are trying to create a global capitalism (Bartolovich, 2005). As a radical change of world economics and politics of the late 20th century replaced the political leaderships, geo-politics, and economic activities during the 19th and 20th centuries experience a metamorphosis. Economic activities took over the initiative and big Trans-National Corporations (TNCs) began to dislodge the authority of the government. This new trend led to new international economic blocs, it eroded the power of national governments, and it forced average people to adjust to new realities. In the global world, the local identity has a bargaining power to strengthen power of a nation, thus the discussion of the local identity in globalization is worthy done indeed. Such change certainly results in the way we look at things like what happens in American Studies. America is always present with global issues and also has effects on other countries in the world in terms of ideology, culture, art, and so forth. While America’s influence on other countries in the world is getting strongerin the beginning of the globalization era, its influence is eroding since local identity emerges and generates. Globalization thus offers, in many respects, an important opening for scholarly interventions on the parts of American Studies scholars.
THEME : Local Identity in Globalization
Topics include but not limited to:
1. Globalization and Cultural Hybridity
2. Postcoloniality
3. Cultural Hegemony
4. Culture, Identity and New Media
5. Cosmopolitanism
6. Culinary and Global World
7. Religion and Ideology for Global Citizen
8. Ethnic and Ethnicity in Borderless Society
9. Sense of Belonging in Global World
1. Guidelines for Submitting Abstract
– Write your approximately 250-word abstract. Provide the title of your article, full name, email, name of department and university.
– Indicate under what particular topic area your abstract is being submitted.
– Submit your abstract no later than Wednesday, August 3, 2018.
– Upload your abstract to https://goo.gl/SwGDZP
2. Guidelines for Submitting Full Paper
– Your full manuscript is a 6-8 page length.
– The full manuscript must be submitted as a MS Word document (not as a PDF) and named with author’s abstract number and name.
– All manuscripts should be in English. Please ensure that your manuscript does not contain grammatical or English errors; this is especially important if English is not your first language.
– Download the Full Paper Template and follow the guidelines (the template can be downloaded in https://goo.gl/jKdBez
– Submit your full manuscript no later than Thursday, September 20, 2018.
– Upload your full paper to https://goo.gl/FCgMXL
All submitted conference full manuscripts will go through double-blind peer review process by two competence reviewers. Selected articles will be published in either any of the indexed journals after revision.
American Studies International Conference 2018 will be held on:
– Day : October 25-26, 2018
– Time allocation : 08.00-finish (as scheduled)
– Venue : Auditorium, FIB, UGM
Prof. Dr. Juliasih Kusharyanto, S.U.
(Department of Intercultural Studies, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)
Dr. Shrimati Das
(Department of English, Nehru Degree College, India)
Prof. Carla Jones, Ph.D.
(Professor of Anthropology at University of Colorado Boulder, USA)
1. Dr, Ekawati Dhukut
2. Dr. Tofan
3. Dr. Nuriadi
4. Dr. Mister Gideon Maru
5. Dr. Aris Munandar
6. Dr. Nursakti Ningrum
7. Ahmad Munjid, Ph.D.
8. Suray Agung Nugroho, Ph.D.
Presenter (early bird) Rp. 800,000
Presenter (international) Rp. 1,000,000
Presenter (regular) Rp. 850,000
Participant (early bird) Rp. 350,000
Participant (regular) Rp. 400,000
Participant of undergraduate students Rp. 150,000
Proof payment can be submitted to https://goo.gl/SsWoY6
Abstract submission deadline August 3, 2018
Notification of abstract acceptance August 20, 2018
Paper submission deadline September 20, 2018
Registration and payment for all presenters & participants (early bird) August 21-31, 2018
Registration and payment for all presenters & participants (regular) September 20 2018
Conference Date October 25-26, 2018
Email: asic@ugm.ac.id
1. Rif’ah Inayati (085259004005)
2. Nadia Lasari (085755649314)
Dans notre environnement global, la capacité de communiquer efficacement peut être un défi.
Comme un des véhicules dans la communication globale, le développement de la langue française rencontre de nombreux défis. Intérieurement, les différences culturelles de chaque pays, même les différences sous-culturelles nécessiteraient des différents traitements. Extérieurement, le français a dû entrer dans des concurrences intenses avec plusieurs autres langues internationales, en particulier l’anglais. C’est dans le but de rechercher ces problèmes que cette Conférence International sur le Français (CIF 3) prend le thème « Le français : réflexion sur les défis mondiaux ». Dans cette troisième conférence internationale, organisée par l’APFI en collaboration avec l’Universitas Gadjah Mada, les enseignants aussi bien que les étudiants seront souhaités de partager leurs recherches et idées des études sur la langue, la littérature, la culture, et l’enseignement du français, soit exclusivement soit dans leur comparaison avec l’indonésien.
Gaining a cosmopolitan and transnational perspective on place and history allows a rethinking of identities and boundaries that creates a multicultural and multi-narrative reading of current and past realities. This ability is important in today’s world of increasing sectarian and nationalist polarization, producing important counter-narrative that is local, national as well as transnational in scope.
Poster Summer School revisi 1