The Family of Indonesian Literature Students (KMSI) is an organization which inspires the students of Indonesian literature to actualize themselves through a variety of literary activities and activities related to literature. As an organization which appreciates Indonesian literature, KMSI embodies a spirit of cultural wisdom which can realize hopes for our literature’s glorious future. KMSI provides space for students of Indonesian literature to become meritorious, competent, creative, innovative, and competitive.
• To shape young generations to be intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually intelligent.
• To shape students as creative and innovative individuals.
• To serve as a space for students of Indonesian literature to actualize themselves.
• To foster a sense of familiarity and solidarity among students.
• To foster a sense of pride in students’ potential and abilities.
Divisions of KMSI
1. Human Resources: (PSDM)
This division focuses on building relations between students of Indonesian through a variety of activities suiting various interests, skills, including futsal, soccer, basketball, badminton, swimming, and movie nights.
2. Art and Culture (SeBud)
A division which handles activities in the fields of art and culture, such as colossal performances and theater performances.
3. Communications and Information (DepKomInfo)
This division has two focuses. Communications handles internal and external communications, such as by providing news on current incidents or events, including events occurring in Yogyakarta, covering internal events (meetings, trips, etc.). Information handles information regarding academic knowledge, such as discussions.
4. Funds and Entrepreneurship (DanUs)
This division handles fundraising, not only through committees but also internally within the organization. This facilitates the execution of planned internal activities and events.
5. Research and Community Development
This division concentrates on research within the student body. It is also focused on social service, such as publishing books of short stories and poetry by students and providing education to the community (teaching writing, reading, courses, etc.)