FIB Weekly Forum: Exploring Heritage Movements in Yogyakarta”

FIB Weekly Forum

11 Desember 2014
Ruang Sidang 1 FIB UGM – Pukul 13.00

Pemateri: Dr. Tod Jones
(Curtin University Australia)

“Gerakan Warisan Budaya di Yogyakarta – Exploring Heritage Movements in Yogyakarta”

In the last decade, movements have coalesced across Asia aimed at collective challenges (to elites, authorities or cultural codes) by people with a common purpose and solidarity to protect and conserve heritage. Many of these heritage movements have now risen to prominence at the national scale. However, these movements have for the most part escaped the attention of heritage researchers for two reasons. First, heritage politics researchers have a preference for a site or group case study approach that, while rich in thick description, does not often analyse the internal dynamics and politics of heritage movements. Second, the concerning tendency in the cannon of heritage research to characterise such movements as amateur, antiquarian and nostalgic (Davison, 2000; Hewison, 1987) took the focus of researchers away from the practices of these movements, and researchers have only slowly returned to this topic. This paper provides an account and analysis of the dynamics of heritage movements in Central Java, Indonesia with the two goals of developing an understanding of the reasons heritage movements have grown in prominence in Indonesia, and developing a toolset for heritage movement analysis. In particular, I seek to explore the importance of the political changes in Indonesia and Central Java/Yogyakarta through adapting the concept of Political Opportunity Structures, Collective Action Frames and Transnational Advocacy Networks from social movement theory. The focus of the paper will therefore be on how the internal dynamics of the heritage movement, their relationship with political elites and other groups, and external political circumstances relate to conservation politics.

Dr. Tod Jones adalah Dosen Senior pada jurusan Geografi Universitas Curtin Australia, Faculty of Humanities.