This workshop aims to provide an overview and synopsis of international academic/journal publication world by proposing its running title ‘If knowing yourself and one’s opponent hundred battles hundred monks’. It will provide an opportunity to the UGM staff members to better understand the dilemma of ‘publish or perish’ and the relationships between publication, promotion (e.g., tenure position) and prestige/recognition/reputation. The workshop will open with an overview of ‘tourism and hospitality journal rankings and reputation based on several key international references and guidelines. It will include examples of acceptance rate and volume of submitted manuscripts of some key leading journals. It will also cover the discussion on the nature and characteristics of international journals. It will end with sharing my personal experiences of being contributing authors and reviewers and board members of several journals.
by: Dr. Sangkyun Kim (senior lecturer, researcher and reviewer) – Flinders University, South Australia
Workshop Publikasi Riset dalam Jurnal Internasional ini diselenggarakan oleh Jurusan Pariwisata bekerja sama dengan Tim Weekly Forum.
Bagi Bapak/Ibu atau Mbak/Mas yang tertarik mengikuti, dimohon mengirimkan draft artikel atau abstrak dalam bahasa Inggris paling lambat tgl 19 November 2014. Review draft artikel akan diadakan tgl 24 November (ruang menyusul).